November 23, 2011

Black November

This poem really makes me chuckle

When I was a young turkey, new to the coop, my big brother Mike took me out to the stoop.
Then he sat me down and he spoke real slow.  And he told me there was something I just had to know.
His look and his tone I will always remember, when he told me of the horrors of Black November.

Come about August, now listen to me, each day you’ll get six meals instead of just three
And soon you’ll be thick, where once you were thin, and you’ll grow a big rubbery thing under your chin.

And then one morning, when you’re warm in your bed, in will burst the farmers wife, and hack of your head.
Then she’ll pluck out your feathers till you’re bald and pink, and then scoop out your insides leavin ya lyin in the sink.  And then comes the worst part he said not bluffing, she’ll come in
and pack your rear end with stuffing.

Well, the rest of his words were too grim to repeat, I sat on the stoop like a winged piece of meat, and decided on the spot to avoid being cooked, I’d have to lay low and remain overlooked.

I began a new diet of nuts and granola, high roughage salads, juice and diet soda.  And as others ate pastires, chocolate and crepes, I stayed in my room doing Jane Fonda tapes, I
maintained my weight of two pounds and a half and tried not to notice when the bigger birds laughed.

But twas I who was laughing, under my breath, as they chomped and chewed ever closer to death.  And sure enough when Black November rolled around, I was the last turkey left in the entire compound.

So now I’m a pet in the farmer’s wife’s lap, I haven’t a worry, so I eat and I nap.  She held me today, while sewing and humming.  And smiled at me saying…CHRISTMAS IS COMING!

September 9, 2011

We've Been... (Just for you Heather)

teaching the kids the difference between wants and needs, responsibility, and what our priorities in life should be.

getting ready for school, and for 10 days of Steve being at the fair sharing Christ with others.

working on recognizing God's blessings.

hanging on to God's promises.

soaking up every last bit of sun we possibly can.

researching products for my clients.

singing praise!

listening to the killdeer at night and enjoying it before they go away for winter.

playing any chance we get!

praying for those that will hear the gospel for the first time at the fair.

saving all the money we can for winter.  :)

baking nothing it's to hot!

planning to head out 3 times a week to visit prospects for my business.

seeing my children grow into the people I had hoped and prayed that they would.

watching to see if we get any veges from the garden because we planted it a little to late.

wishing our house was paid off so Steve could retire so he could witness full time.

looking forward to someday being successful with Business Innovations but now for new clients to build my business.

having lots of fun with visiting family and looking forward to visiting them in Dec.

starting to think about college for my son (which doesn't seem right)

thanking God for providing what we need when we need it.  And for loving us (who truly don't deserve it) so much he would sacrifice His son for our salvation.

August 22, 2011

Not to old

I love that my 14, soon to be 15 year old, son still wants his Dad and I to tuck him in each night.  His bedroom is down in the basement and some nights we get distracted after he's headed off to bed and forget to go down to say goodnight.

Tonight I got a text after he'd disappeared downstairs for awhile that said, "Are you guys coming down?"  I headed downstairs, kissed him on the top of the head and said, "Night Bud, see you in the morning, I love you." Just like I always do, and he said "Night.  Is Dad coming down?"  I said, "I'm sure he will."  He said "Tell him to ok?"  I said "Ok I will."  I closed the door and smiled because even though he's growing up so fast and sometimes it feels like he's pulling away, he still wants his good night kiss from his Mom and Dad.

July 26, 2011


A few weeks ago I got to head to Kalispell MT.  Fay was taking her kiddos to spend a week with her Mom and Dad.  Kelly and I thought we'd tag along to see where Fay grew up and where her parents live.  We had such a nice time.  Their home was gorgeous and her Dad cooked the best food for us!  They had just gotten back from Alaska where Rod had caught a 97 pound Halibut and he cooked some of it up for us.  IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!!  Even Kelly liked it and normally if I make her eat fish she cries.  (Don't worry Carol, I don't make her eat fish often.)  Kalispell is beautiful.  I can understand why Fay has such fond memories of her childhood and growing up there.  Thanks for sharing it with me friend.  And thanks for your hospitality Rod and Connie.  I wish we could have stayed longer.

View from Fay's front yard.  Gorgeous!
The home Fay grew up in
Back yard
Rod cooking us some breakfast.  Yummy crepes!
Kelly and Avery in the livingroom
Gorgeous views in Montana.   Loved the color of this river.

4th of July

I am so behind with my posts, I'm finally getting around to putting 4th of July photos up. Every year we go to the Indians Game with the Bensons. This year their friends from the Tri-Cities joined us. We had a nice BBQ and then enjoyed the game and fireworks. Fun times as always!

We always need a picture with Steve being completely obnoxious!

There we go that's better no Steve!

I think those two made Joe a little nervous!


Kids got to head down to the field for "Take Me Out to the Ball Game!"

Dad and Mom's 40th Anniversary

Dad and Mom celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary on June 12th.  Life was busy that month, so Kristin and I planned a surprise BBQ for them in July.  It was a success.  There was lots of friends and family there and they were very surprised.  I only took a few pictures, but we found out they never served each other cake and smashed it in each other's faces, so we had them fix that.  Congratulations Mom and Dad.  We love you!

Sam Owens Campground

We finally got in our first weekend of camping this summer.  We have been telling the kids that they could each take a friend camping this year, so Keith took his buddy Josiah and Kelly took her friend Natalie.  I really enjoyed getting to know both kiddos a lot better.  I know Josiah pretty well, but this was the first time I spent any time with Natalie.  She is a sweetheart!  And about as funny as they come.

It was our first time up to Sam Owens Campground.  Absolutely loved it!  Nice big campsites, tons of wildlife and right on the lake, although I would suggest bringing water shoes because it's  bit rocky on the beach.  We will definitely be going back there again.

Thursday night and Friday wasn't the best weather.  It rained and was cold, but the sun came out on Saturday and Sunday and we enjoyed the warmth.

Keith and Josiah

Kelly and Natalie down at the Lake

The girls thought this was the best climbing tree ever. They were eventually asked to get off it by the forest ranger.  They were not happy about it.

Kelly and Natalie quickly became great friends
Bella's not to sure what to think of camping.  She likes to be with us but at the same time really doesn't like being a dirty dog.

Everywhere they went they held hands
It was really cold this day, but it didn't stop them from getting in the water!
The boys loved playing in the fire
Looking a little to grown up for me.
We took a hike up to Sam Owens grave
The kids played a lot of Uno

It was a really fun weekend, and as I watched the kids with their friends I was reminded of how much they are growing up.  This time wont last forever.  We're definitely making time for more weekends like this because before we know it they'll be grown and gone.   We had so much fun and a great time relaxing.

April 29, 2011

Track 2011

Track started up last night. It was cold! It wouldn't have been bad had it not been so windy. I didn't do well taking pictures. My fingers were frozen, but I did get one funny one of all the boys huddling together under a blanket. I will get more pictures at future meets. Keith did well.  He came in 2nd in the hurdles, his heel hit the high jump at 4 ft. 6 in.  And in the hundred he was in the middle of the pack.  He made the relay team again and they were SO close to beating the A team.  Pretty good job for the first track meet in freezing weather.  :)

Easter Celebration

I love this picture of the kids before church on Easter. Keith actually cooperated. (A rarity these days)

Every Easter we like to have people join us for Easter dinner who don't have family in the area.  We were lucky enough to have The Riveras, The Christlers, and The Bruszers join us this year.  We had LOTS of kids which is always so much fun and lots of good food!  And of course the huge Easter Egg hunt!  They had eggs everywhere.  At one point they had Jay turn his car on to see what would happen if an egg was in his exhaust  pipe.  It shot out.  Pretty funny.  Here are some pictures of our fun filled day.  Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us do this at your house.  We love you!

Waiting for the egg hunt!

This year Keith helped the little kids rather than participating in the egg hunt.  My baby's growing up.

I'm not sure what they were looking at.

Vikki and I

Sweet Kimber

Dad and Jaret looking for eggs

Sorting through the loot!

Steve's happy with his Mt. Dew

Dad helping Josh count his money

Mom made a cake she made for us when we were kids.  So yummy!  Sorry the picture's sideways.  I couldn't figure out how to turn it.

I'm telling you this was really good cake!