My Grandpa Fowler passed away today. Peacefully while he slept. I kept having dreams about him all last night, even woke up crying three times. I wasn't surprised when I got the phone call in the morning. Growing up, a lot of my favorite memories include my Grandpa and Grandma. Fly in's at their home with all the cousins and family around. Swimming in the pool, eating good food, watching the planes fly in and out at the runway. The smell of all the flowers in their yard during the summer is my favorite smell in the whole world. Skiing at Schweitzer, time spent at their condo up there. Weeks that Kristin and I would spend just with Grandpa and Grandma at their house in Spokane during the summer. When Grandpa was a dentist, we'd come once a year for our yearly check up. He wasn't the most gentle dentist, but he sure did take care of my teeth. I just had my first cavity ever filled last week the day I found out he went into the hospital. My new dentist said to commend Grandpa on teaching his grandchildren such wonderful oral hygiene. Lately every time I'd see Grandpa he told me how proud of me he is for losing all that weight I've recently lost. I could see it in his eyes how happy he was that I had gotten healthy. As a child, I saw my Grandpa as a man of few words, and hung on every one that he spoke to me. As an adult it was his smile, chuckle, that little twinkle in his eye and his habit of eating his paper napkin after dinner that made him endearing to me. I love my Grandpa and will miss him very much.
The black and white photo's are taken from the book "Looking back on Schweitzer, The History of Schweitzer Mountain Resort" I thought they'd be fun ones to share.
Grandma and Grandpa's wedding reception

I don't know what Grandpa is doing in this picture, but when I saw it, it made me smile.

Grandpa and Grandma at The Keg up at Schweitzer

Grandma and Grandpa at our house last Christmas for Christmas dinner. We were so happy they joined us!

Grandma and Grandpa up at Spirit Lake two summers ago

Hey Jess, I happened to look up your blog today (as I do every so often and love reading your posts). I am so sorry to hear about Grandpa Fowler. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of love, Anna
I'm so sorry you lost him. Thanks for sharing your sweet memories of him. Did he really eat his napkin after dinner? Love ya.
Thanks so much for sharing your Grandpa! He sounds like he was a wonderful man. I am so glad you have so many nice pictures of him, and ones with you together Jess!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I so loved my grandfather. What great memories you have! The silver lining is that he's waiting for you! What an amazing thing!
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