This summer Mom and Dad rented a cabin at Hayden Lake. Normally it's at Spirit Lake, but Dad found a great little cabin on Hayden and decided to try it out. When we were kids my parents had rented a place on Hayden Lake one summer, but I was a complete brat because I didn't want to leave church camp and my friends. So I was excited to actually be pleasant to be around for a week at Hayden this time. (No comments on that one sister!) What a great week we had. The kids fished a ton! They caught Bass, Mom caught a 22 inch Pike. (Which the neighbor said was a sucker fish so we threw it away only to find out later it really was a pike.) The gal that owned the cabin had created a fairy forest which was right up Kelly's ally with dress up, tree house, and crafts. Just a magical little place. There was a great sand bar to swim off of. It provided an excellent place for the kids to learn to water ski. That was my favorite time of the week. It was thrilling to watch our kiddos take off out of the water behind the boat. Kelly's so little she just popped right out of the water. I think it took her only about three tries until she had it. Keith was the same. One day Fay and the girls came up and we taught them to ski too. Avery got it on the second try. She's just like her Daddy. Easton got it quick, but was telling my Dad to cut it after only a few seconds. She wasn't wanting to go out far into the lake. My Mom was loving it. She would hold each kid in the water at the sand bar , kiss the top of their heads, help push them out of the water and off they'd go out to the lake. :) I don't know how many times Kelly yelled "I DID IT!" We celebrated my Dad's birthday by making him a cake that looked like cat poop in a Kitty Litter box. We all had a hard time eating it and I really thought I was going to be sick in the end. But it will be a birthday he'll never forget. :) So here are a few pictures from the week. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the great memories. It was a great week!
This picture made me think so much of my godbrother Nathan I could hardly stand it!

Cleaning a fish on his own for the first time.

The cabin had an outdoor shower we all loved!

They had kayaks that we all had fun on.

Most of the week for Keith was spent like this. My Mom has a freezer full of fish to prove it.

Getting ready.

Looks like she's going to be up but she's not to sure about it!

O.K. maybe this isn't to bad she's excited.


My baby way out in the lake.

Kelly and Avery

Fay and I

Keith on one of his first tries.

He's headed out too.

Auntie and Kelly

The fam having dinner in the screened in porch.

The 22 inch pike.

Deep thoughts. :)

No it's not kitty litter it's a cake.

Dad's not to sure of this.

Dad eating cat poop! Gross Dad!

Scoopin' poop for Keith
Great memories! You really were enjoyable at Hayden this year and not so bad as you remember being in your teens.
Fun stuff. Thanks for sharing
The pictures are great! I can't believe Keith and Kelly are skiing! It looks like you had a wonderful, fun vacation with your folks.
I know Chris and I really enjoyed our time in Spokane. I wish we were able to do it more often. Thanks for updating your blog. Carol
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