First, when I lost my 52 pounds Dec. 2008, I decided the next goal would be not only to maintain, (Which I have succeeded in) but to also do something physically that I never could have done before. I knew it would involve my bike. Last summer, my back went out. I was in horrible pain and there was no way I was going to be able to do the bike ride I had planed on. This was very frustrating for me, but I focused on healing and getting stronger. Last Feb. I joined the gym and started spinning three days a week. I have loved that! My back now has defined muscles in it, and it helps to hold it in place. :) So, looking at my options for challenging bike rides, I chose the I Made the Grade ride. It is an 18 mile bike ride. That doesn't seem very long or challenging, but the last 8 miles are a 7% incline that goes up 2,000 ft.! June 19th I set out with my Sister, my friend Eric, and my Mom. Kristin, Eric and I tackled the hill. I was surprised at how much better I did than I thought I would. I would have been happy with three hours, but did it in under two! It felt so good to finish and not be horribly sore, but I was tired. The next day I felt great. No soreness. What a change from the past. There would have been no way I would have even finished.
Poor Eric with all those girls :)

1 hour 55 minutes 32 seconds. :)

Yep rode to the top of that!

Absolutely gorgeous view from the top. We were so high up, by the third to the last switchback, I started shaking from being nervous from the height of the hill.

We have also spent some time with our friends the Bensons. We say we survived 8 out of 11 days with the Bensons, they say they survived 8 of 11 days with the Hyles. :) First we went to the cabin in Plain Wa with them. We all piled into the Sequoia together and headed out. Keith was coming home with Auntie from Seattle that day (they had gone to the Mariners/Cubs game together) so we meet them somewhere on I-90 to grab Keith. When we got to Wenatchee we hit the Taco Truck for some delicious tacos which gave us all really bad gas. :) Let's just say that lead to an interesting weekend. HA! Within 3 minutes of getting to the cabin, Avery locked herself in the upstairs bathroom, so between the problem of trying to figure out how to get her out and the fact that there was no toilet paper in there, it was an interesting beginning to the weekend. Eric ended up taking a video of how to unlock the door on another door in the cabin and then climbing up a ladder, showed it to Avery through the bathroom window. Thank goodness that worked! Friday we went into Plain Hardware a favorite spot to shop and spent the rest of the day resting at the cabin. (At least the women did.) The guys headed out on a crazy adventure across the river. They hiked along the ridge (wish I had a picture of it) climbed down the cliff a bit by the river and hiked around while Fay and I snapped pictures of them. They were quit proud of themselves. Then at some point hot and sweaty they found a little swimming hole and got down to their undies and jumped into the river, it was so cold they could only stay in about 15 seconds. Keith took video of the Dads acting like a bunch of kids. :) But I wont put that video on here so you don't have to see them in their undies.
Saturday we headed into Leavenworth to spend some time, but for the most part we just hung out at the cabin enjoying the sun and each other and laughing a lot. We came home Sunday.
Monday Steve and I got sick but on Thursday we were headed out with the Benson's again, this time for a weekend of camping with them and Fay's Mom and Dad, their friends Mike and Jan and my Sister. I took no pictures of our weekend camping. Steve and I were still feeling sick and I just couldn't get myself to get up and take pictures. Keith got up in the mornings at 4:30 am to go fishing with Fay's Dad Rod. He didn't catch anything, but still enjoyed the time spent with him. We had four dogs with us. Bella, Toby, Moxie and Fays parents dog. And when Fay's sister stopped by they brought their two dogs. It was a fun weekend, but we headed home on Sunday afternoon and that night went with the Bensons, and my Mom and Dad to the Indians game for a 4th of July celebration. A tradition of ours for many years. It was a fun packed 11 days. With lots of great memories made. Thanks for putting up with us for that long Eric and Fay. We'll have to do it again someday. :)
Eric showing Avery the video on how to unlock the bathroom door. :) Can you see the annoyed look on his face at Steve for taking a picture?
Mornings at the cabin. A little piece of paradise!
At some point, Eric decided to jump into this tree and give it a hug. Silly Eric!
Kelly had to join the tree climbing
Avery too!
We had fun learning to shot a sling shot.
This was our solution on how to deal with the kids. :)
Group picture!
Goofy group picture!
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