July 10, 2013

1st Weekend Spent At The Cabin

We spent our first full weekend up at the cabin.  The weather was pretty good, still a little chilly, but we made the most of it.  The kids fished a lot and we had some fun campfires.  Unfortunately Fay got really sick and spent half the weekend in bed.  Hopefully that doesn't ruin it for her.  It was as always completely crazy with the Benson's, but that's the way we like it.

Kelly and Avery at Owens Grocery Store in Newport

Keith and Eric with their crazy fire made w/o any gasoline.  Impressive!

Keith snuggling Eric.  What can we say, they're close.  Toby was jealous.

Crazy face swapping.

Keith and Eric all mixed up.

Gorgeous Diamond Lake Sunset

Keith being reflective at Diamond Lake Store.  Actually he's just being a dork!

Eric has A LOT of energy in the morning.

He also has a really BIG fire poker

They don't mess around 

We ate really well!

Kelly fished a lot, Avery slept a lot.

Pretty Easton.

Lots of fishing.

This was a crazy fun weekend, and I'm super excited to make more and more memories up there.  

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