June 3, 2008

Loreen Miller bike ride

This last weekend Keith and I rode in the Loreen Miller Bike ride. It was really fun doing this with Keith. My Mom, Dad, Sister and a couple of her friends were with us also. Of course, it rained the entire time we rode. As soon as we got home and I got the bikes off the truck, showered and headed out to return the bike rack to my friend I had borrowed it from, it was gorgeous. But at least it wasn't in the upper 90's like last year.
At one point, my Mom's chain fell off her bike and Dad and I stopped to help. Keith kept going and my sis and her friends were a ways ahead of us. When we realized Keith was not stopping to wait for us, I started to panic. There was my little boy riding away from me. We yelled to him, but he couldn't hear and kept going. As I watched him, and my Dad chased him to catch up, I realized my son is growing up, he's not afraid to be on his own a little. He is no longer a "little" boy anymore. He's headed to the next stage of life. Next year he enters Middle School. Hard to believe the elementary days will be done for him in less then two weeks! Keith and I both thought it would be a good idea to do a few more rides together this summer. A great Mother/Son activity. Steve does a lot with Keith, (which is very important) But him and I haven't done a whole lot just the two of us and this weekend made me realize it is important for me to take the time to come up with special moments with him.
He is growing into a very wonderful young man. As much as I pine for his younger years, I look forward to seeing who he becomes and what he will accomplish in his lifetime. And I'm enjoying the moments we have now.

I love you Keith and I'm proud of you. Thanks for all the fun we have together and all the fun I know we'll have in the future.

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