April 17, 2009

Sushi Date

So Keith and I got to have date night tonight. We chose to go to Sushi! Keith loves it, I love it, it works. :) So here are a few pictures of the beginning of the night. Keith found a Japanese soda he really wanted to try, so he tried it and and he loved it. He says it is now his favorite soda. :) We split a spicy tuna roll, he got a Las Vegas Roll, and I got the Caterpillar roll. Yummy. I had reserved a little room (not sure what they're called) and he thought that was pretty fun. It was like we were the only ones there. We laughed a lot and enjoyed our sushi.

So then we got to talking about how we like the little tiny fish eggs on top of the sushi. Keith likes how they explode in your mouth when you bite them. He says it's like a party in your mouth. I kept having to tell him not to lick the plate because he was trying to get every little fish egg off the plate. (Good thing we were in that little private room!) So, we were done eating but Keith was looking at a picture of a bunch of fish eggs wrapped in seaweed. He was thinking that might be pretty good. So I told him we could order one piece just to try it and see what it tasted like. Well, when we got it, the eggs were the size of small peas! And Keith believes he could see little baby fish inside of them! But we ordered it and we both said we'd try a bite so I made Keith go first. He said it was not a party in his mouth but a party crasher in his mouth! It was DISGUSTING! So then I had to try it knowing I had given my word and couldn't back out. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Seriously people this was the grossest thing I have ever eaten! It tasted like a dead fish that had been sitting in the garbage in the hot sun for six days! Keith is looking over my shoulder right now saying "It wasn't that bad Mom!" Uh...yes it was! Wish I had thought to take pictures while Keith was taking a bite. Because his picture would have been about as bad as mine! Lucky for us they took it off our bill because we told the guy how gross it was. I don't think a stick of cinnamon gum ever tasted so good. I believe we will be sticking with the tiny fish eggs and we will eat them in moderation. :) It was a really fun night with some great memories made. Even though I'm now burping up a nasty fish taste. I think I'll try swallowing some mouth wash or something!


heather said...

OMGosh, I'm laughing hysterically right now! That picture of you is priceless! Great job though for trying something new! I'm with you, those salmon roe are nasty. I don't even think my sister the sushi connoisseur likes them. The mini ones are fine, but the ginormous ones are yucko!

I'm so glad Keith loves sushi now, that's awesome! My girls are now into it too, so we'll have to all go out sometime!

Jessy said...

That would be really fun!

KT said...

Pretty sure I could have told you a mouth full of fish eggs would be a bad idea!!! Glad you have fun though!

Erin keller said...

That is so funny! You two are so cute! I love the Mother/son date night! The face you made in that picture is soooooo good! I will never eat the big fish eggs, and I will always think of you two when I go to a sushi restaurant.

Anonymous said...

So funny! I wonder if they weren't fresh? It sounds otherwise like a great evening. I take my kids on dates, too, and it is always such a special time! Thanks for sharing.

Jessy said...

Well, I wont be trying it again to see if they were fresh! :)