July 6, 2009

Hoopfest 2009

We had another fun year at hoopfest! The largest three on three street basketball tournament. The city does a great job putting it on and it's always well organized and fun. Keith was on a team this year and Kelly won a contest with the Sea Gals (Seattle Seahawks Cheerleaders) and got to cheer with them and be on T.V. She also had lunch with them. That was a real treat for an 8 year old who loves to cheer! After the last game of the weekend, we headed out to Mom and Dad's where they hosted an incredible BBQ for us all. Thanks Mom and Dad you're the best! It was a really fun weekend.

He looks so grown up to me in this picture. How did that happen?

Mom, Kristin, and Adrian

Don't worry Keith had already eaten his snow cone. He was not being left out!

Our neighbor Josh and Kelly

Our neighbor Rylan running through the fountain downtown. He is happiest cold and wet!

Tired at the end of the weekend. Scott lets Erin lean on him. So sweet!

Three of the boys on the team Brandon, David, and Keith. Two of his closest friends.

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