August 1, 2008

29.4 and counting...

For those who know me, I have always struggled with my weight. Last February, I decided it was time to do something about it. I wanted it to be a life time solution too. Not something I would do and then gain it all back again. So, I talked to my doctor and he said Weight Watchers. This program has been awesome. My original goal when I started was to lose 20 pounds by Aug. 1st. I have lost 29.4 pounds. Last week I didn't weigh in because I had VBS, but this Monday I will weigh and I am certain I will be over 30 pounds gone. The support I've gotten has been wonderful and the encouragement from friends and family has been a real motivator. I have been donating to Good Will, all the cloths that have become to big (I don't want an option of gaining the weight back!) and I have gone down three pants sizes. I'm not buying a bunch of new cloths yet because I still have another 20 pounds to go. But it feels so good to see my closet emptying. Lucky for me I kept some of my old smaller cloths, so I am not completely without. As I've pulled out old cloths and gotten rid of my bigger cloths it's been like getting a new wardrobe. It feels so good to be back in them. And eventually, my smaller cloths will be bigger cloths. :) I'm sharing this because I'm getting to the point that I was when I felt pretty good about myself after I had Keith, but I'm not done yet and I don't want to be satisfied until I lose at least another 20 pounds. So, this is my way of putting it out there to be held accountable. So pray for me as I continue, I'm getting close and am so excited to see the end results.

1 comment:

heather said...

and you know i'm one of your biggest cheerleaders Jess! I love ya and I'm SO proud of you! Sushi lunch the week of the 10th???