September 23, 2008

Little Nuggets

I have two little nuggets of great insight that I have gained from BSF this week, and I thought you might enjoy these:

*In the midst of the worst adversity, in the most barren of the desert seasons, God moves and the showers of blessings fall.

This is so true, and how often do we fail to see Gods blessings in the midst of adversity. If we are children of God and we look we will find them. So if times are hard, look up to your father above and know he loves you and can turn even the worst of situations into His glory!

*Ours may be a day of small things, but none of us knows the outcome when we start to serve God in some area. Who can tell what God will do? Who can tell what things He may accomplish from your small beginning?

It doesn't matter how small you feel your service to God is, do it because we don't know the impact it may have on generations to come. What may seem small to us, could be something big to God. Obey Him and you will be blessed.

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