April 16, 2008

The Way of the Master

Well, I just got back from a bike ride. (Thank you sister for rubbing in that you got to ride 40 miles the other day!) I was frozen but got 10 miles in and it felt great. I wanted actually to write something about Steve. I put a link to The Way of the Master on my blog because my husband has been leading this course in our home group. It has been really good. I have watched it change my husbands compassion for the lost. Steve and his friend Tim have been going to the mall on Saturday's and sharing the gospel with people. Keith goes along with them. They have had a pretty good response. I could go on and on about it, but I wanted to share what happened this morning. For those who don't know, The Way of the Master is an evangelism course. Probably the most effective one we have ever seen. It shows you how to bypass the intellect (place of argument) and speak directly to the conscience (the place of the knowledge of right and wrong)-the way Jesus did. Anyway, he had a phone solicitor call him this morning. Rather than saying he's not interested and hanging up Steve let the guy talk a bit and then told him it wasn't anything that would benefit his business. The guy said he was sorry to take Steves time and Steve said "That's fine, would you mind if I took a little of your time." The guy said "Sure." So, he launched into The Way of the Master. He was on the phone with this guy for awhile. When he got off the phone I asked him about it and he said the guy was really receptive to what he said. The man thought it was a big coincidence that Steve would take the time to talk with him about something he had been talking with his best friend of 30 years about just the other day. He was really searching. Steve told him he had felt lead to share with him. Steve went through some of the 10 Commandments, (which no one can say they keep perfectly) and then shared the gospel with him and encouraged him to read his Bible and to search for the truth.

How often are we annoyed by the interruptions of people in our life? Maybe we should take the time to share truth with those that God places in our paths, rather than turn and go on our own way. I am just as guilty of this as anyone else. I admire my husband for stepping out of his comfort zone so that the lost may be saved. If you're interested check out The Way of the Master.

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